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                              Concat function

  DECLARATION:  Concat(string1 [, string2 ...,  sn] : String)

      PURPOSE:  Concatenates a sequence of strings

         UNIT:  System

  RESULT TYPE:  String

      REMARKS:  Each parameter must be a string-type expression and the
                result will be the concatenation of all the parameters.
                Strings greater then 255 character is will be truncated
                to 255 characters.

                NOTE:  The same result can be achieved using the + operator.

      EXAMPLE:  Var
                   s1, s2, sn  : String;

                   sn := '';
                   s1 := 'ABC';
                   s2 := 'DEF';
                   sn := ConCat(s1, s2);
                   Writeln(sn);                { 'ABCDEF' }
                   sn := s1 + s2;
                   Writeln(sn);                { 'ABCDEF' }

See Also: Copy Delete Insert Length Pos
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